Ronnie Robot

App Privacy

Posted 9 years ago by jenni

Privacy Policy

We work hard to protect the privacy of all users. Here are the details of what the Ronnie Robot application does and does not collect:

  • Does not collect personally identifiable information
  • Does not contain advertisements
  • Does not contain social media integration
  • Does have a parent-only feedback button so that emails to the Ronnie Robot creators can easily be composed. These emails are used to figure out new features for the application and for identifying bugs.
  • Does have a parent-only rating button so that parents can rate the Ronnie Robot application in the App Store
  • Does have access to anonymous data from the app store (ex: number of downloads of the Ronnie Robot application). This information is used to guide application development so that more users enjoy and download the application.
  • Does have access to anonymous analytics and crash report data. This includes information about how often parts of the application are visited, how much users are playing and enjoying the game, etc. This data is used to make sure we continually improve game features as well as solve bugs that may arise.

How do we do this?

We are using a third party service called Flurry Analytics. They store this data securely and do not share it with anyone else. We are using the restricted version of their analytics product designed specifically for use with apps for children, meaning that the anonymous data created from our apps isn’t used anywhere else in their system, it’s only for us to improve the apps.

It is possible that this privacy policy will change in the future. If it does change in an appreciable way, notice will be posted below.



  • December 2014 – created
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